@extends('layout.master') @section('css') @endsection @section('main_content')


Survey Reports
@if ($surveys == null)
Question 1 2 3 4 5
Is the product in Good Condition ?
Did the product arrive in the requested Time ?
Did the IT person assemble the unit ?
Are you satisfied with the overall experience?
Question 1 2 3 4 5
@else @if ($surveys->gc == 1) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gc == 2) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gc == 3) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gc == 4) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gc == 5) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gc == 1) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gt == 2) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gt == 3) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gt == 4) @else @endif @if ($surveys->gt == 5) @else @endif @if ($surveys->ass == 1) @else @endif @if ($surveys->ass == 2) @else @endif @if ($surveys->ass == 3) @else @endif @if ($surveys->ass == 4) @else @endif @if ($surveys->ass == 5) @else @endif @if ($surveys->happ == 1) @else @endif @if ($surveys->happ == 2) @else @endif @if ($surveys->happ == 3) @else @endif @if ($surveys->happ == 4) @else @endif @if ($surveys->happ == 5) @else @endif
Question 1 2 3 4 5
Is the product in Good Condition ? {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0
Did the product arrive in the requested Time ? {{ $surveys->gt }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0
Did the IT person assemble the unit ? {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0
Are you satisfied with the overall experience? {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0 {{ $surveys->gc }} 0
Question 1 2 3 4 5
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection