It takes a tremendous amount of perseverance and dedication for a city as diverse as Saida, in a country as corrupt as Lebanon, to achieve the advancements seen around our great city. Of course we can only thank those within the city, as those who aren’t cannot seem to care what-so-ever.
Take the city’s phone-line system, politics aside, we have one of the most ridiculous phone line systems in the country, some areas see internet speeds of 1 Megabit on a 5 Megabit connection plan simply because “ Il Sontral “which basically means the main phone switch box, is either “too far” or “Cannot handle the load”. The funny thing about this situation is that this is total utterly ridiculous. To put things in perspective, if my wife is looking up a recipe online while I load my Facebook profile, I might as well go do a 45 minute gym session because that would be a much more productive way to use my time.
Let’s not digress here, the problem with the phone line system is one of many, and one that has been taken so lightly… Another famous problem Sidon has seen is Water. The water supply in Saida has seen random hiccups for a while now, especially in the summer, this in itself is a very strange phenomena, I mean, how hard is it to supply water to a coastal city?
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